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Il-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà

B’Saħħitna fl-Għaqda.

Empowering children from socially disadvantaged background

Centar za pružanje usluga u zajednici Zagorje

Bedekovčina, il-Kroazja


The main goal of this solidarity project is empowering children and young people from disadvantaged background by creating encouraging and supportive environment where they can develop new skills,gain new knowledge and broaden their horizons.Activities are based on group work principles and intended to improve teamwork, encourage initiative,showing one's skills and abilities.Volunteers will get the opportunity to participate in different interactive,creative,musical and sports workshops but also to prepare and conduct workshops on their own.Starting time of the activities will be 10 am and ending time with the lunch break included will be 2,30 pm.

Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

Volunteers will be placed in a student dormitory in Bedekovcina.Dormitory is equiped with rooms with two beds,bathrooms and living room with internet access. Breakfast,lunch and dinner will be provided in "Community social service center Zagorje" facilities which is 5 minutes walking distance from the student dormitory.Bedekovcina is a small town situated 50 km from Croatian capital Zagreb and is easily reachable by train.

Taħriġ matul l-attività

Volunteers will get a chance to learn through experience of connecting with others.They will be introduced with group work principles and encouraged to take initative in preparing and conducting interactive games and workshops for the children which will help them in developing group work techniques, motivation skills as well as sharing knowledge and experience

Profil tal-parteċipant

We are looking for open, responsible, communicative and creative participants who are interested in working with children,willing to learn,ready to share their ideas and experience with others and work as a part of a team.We need volunteers who will help us to create positive and encuraging enviroment for children.

Dati tal-Attività

Minn 01/07/2024 sa 14/07/2024

Post tal-Attività

Aleja Dragutina Domjanića 15, Bedekovčina, il-Kroazja

Timijiet ta’ volontarjat

Qed infittxu parteċipanti minn

ir-Repubblika Ċeka, Spanja, Franza, l-Italja, il-Polonja, is-Slovakkja

Temi tal-attività

Social challenges

Data ta’ skadenza għall-applikazzjonijiet

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 19/05/2024 23:59