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Európsky zbor solidarity

Sila jednoty

Volunteering in media library and digital FabLab

Jeunes à Travers le Monde

Fougères Lab - Fablab du Pays de Fougères

Fougères, Francúzsko


The 'FabLab Fougères Agglomération' is located in the 'Médiathèque de Fougères' with which it works closely together on different projects. Built around the idea of creating a collaborative and creative space focused on digital fabrication, the FabLab is free and open to everyone to realize their projects, develop their skills and knowledge of technology, repair, recycle, and more. Events and workshops are also organised on a regular basis. In addition to that, local businesses and artists can reserve the space and benefit from our support and technical know-how. Missions : Learn the basics of digital fabrication and how to use the FabLab's machines/ Guide visitors through the FabLab and the Médiathèque and explain the possibilities offered by these spaces / Help users to realize their own projects / Propose creative workshops/Machine maintenance/ Work in link with the 'Médiathèque' on different projects/ Promoting the culture of the volunteer's home country

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

Accommodation will be in a shared flat in which the volunteer has their own room. The kitchen and the bathroom are communal. Pocket money will be provided, plus money for covering food expenses. Travelling costs for arrival and departure will be reimbursed to a certain extent as defined by the European Commission. Concerning local mobility, a bicycle and a monthly bus ticket Fougères-Rennes will be provided. The city of Fougères is rich in sports and cultural activities.

Odborná príprava počas činnosti

The volunteer will take part in an on-arrival training and mi-term evaluationorganised by the National Agency. More Fougères has a rich associative sports and cultural fabric, depending on the interests of the youth, a membership will be realized.

Profil účastníka

TO APPLY : Send a mail with NAME OF THE PROJECT, CV AND COVER LETTER TO We are looking for someone who shows a strong desire to communicate, to exchange, and to learn. To us, it seems essential that the volunteer is able to take the initiative, to encourage activities and to propose workshops. No driving license needed. Basic knowledges in french could be a plus.

Obdobie činnosti

Od 01/09/2024 do 31/07/2025

Miesto činnosti

2 esplanade des chaussonnières, Fougères, Francúzsko

Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín

Rakúsko, Belgicko, Nemecko, Dánsko, Španielsko, Fínsko, Írsko, Island, Taliansko, Malta, Poľsko, Rumunsko, Švédsko

Témy aktivít

Citizenship and democratic participation

Environment and natural protection

Creativity and culture

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 15/07/2024 23:59