Zoology Museum Curator's Assistant
Viešoji įstaiga "Socialinis veiksmas"
Vilnius, Litva
Vilnius University Museum of Zoology is the oldest scientific museum of zoology in Lithuania and one of the oldest in Europe. This museum has a rich historical past and showcases a diverse range of vertebrates and invertebrates. The Zoology Museum Curator's Assistant will work closely with the curator to assist in the maintenance and organization of the museum's zoology collection. Responsibilities may include cataloguing specimens, researching animal species, assisting with exhibit preparation, and engaging with museum visitors to provide information about the collection. This position offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in zoology and museum curation while contributing to the preservation and education of natural history. If you are good with social media and managing websites - it's a plus! We would like for the volunteer to help publicise the museum's work.
Ubytovanie, strava a doprava
As a volunteer in Vilnius, you will have the opportunity to be hosted in a comfortable flat alongside other like-minded volunteers who share your passion for community service. You will have your own private room, providing a space for rest and relaxation. You will also get: - a monthly bus card; - a monthly stipend for food and pocket money; - a team of dedicated professionals, including a mentor for personal support, a project coordinator to help you get the most out of your experience, and a tutor from the hosting organization to guide you every step of the way.
Odborná príprava počas činnosti
Maximize your potential and make the most of your volunteer experience with our comprehensive support system! As a volunteer, you will receive On-Arrival and Mid-Term trainings organized by the National Agency, as well as regular meetings with our dedicated Coordinating Organization. We understand that reflection is key to personal growth, which is why hosting organisation offers regular reflection sessions. These sessions provide a safe and supportive environment to share your experiences, learn from one another, and grow both personally and professionally.
Profil účastníka
We are looking for a young person who: - has a biology/zoology background, - is not afraid of hard work, - has stable hands (many items are fragile, so they need to be handled with care), - is detail-oriented (preparing an exhibit is no joke, everything must be correct), - is creative. It is important to note that a person must have no allergies since working with exhibits involves dust!
Obdobie činnosti
Od 01/10/2024 do 31/05/2025
Miesto činnosti
Vilnius, Litva
Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť
Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín
Albánsko, Arménsko, Rakúsko, Azerbajdžan, Belgicko, Bosna a Hercegovina, Bulharsko, Chorvátsko, Cyprus, Česká republika, Dánsko, Estónsko, Fínsko, Francúzsko, Gruzínsko, Nemecko, Grécko, Maďarsko, Island, Írsko, Taliansko, Lotyšsko, Luxembursko, Malta, Moldova (Republic of), Čierna Hora, Ukrajina, Turecko, Holandsko, Švédsko, Španielsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Srbsko, Rumunsko, Portugalsko, Nórsko, Poľsko
Témy aktivít
Environment and natural protection
Lehota na podávanie prihlášok
termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 01/08/2024 00:00