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Il-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà

B’Saħħitna fl-Għaqda.

Volunteering in Silta Community Club

Nuorisokeskus Villa Elba

Kokkola, il-Finlandja


In Silta Community club volunteer will be assisting with different task in the community club. Community club offers a space for different associations to organise their activities, promotes volunteer work, developes cooperation between civil society and organises different kind of events and projects. Volunteer will be helping with practical tasks in the community club, helps with social media, promoting activities etc.

Akkomodazzjoni, ikel u arranġamenti tat-trasport

Accommodation is organised in shared room with other volunteers in the coordinating organisation facilities around 2km from the working place and 4 km from the city centre. Volunteer will get monthly food money and during working days one meal is provided in Youth centre Villa Elba cafeteria. Volunteer will get a bike for moving around in the city.

Taħriġ matul l-attività

Volunteer will take part in on-arrival training and mid-term meeting organised by National Agency.

Profil tal-parteċipant

We are looking for a volunteer who is comfortable to meet and interact with different kind of people. Our customers comes to ourcommunity club to gain social activities and contacts, so it is important that that you are open-minded and ready to take the first contact when meeting people.

Dati tal-Attività

A total of 36 week(s) during the period 01/09/2024 to 30/05/2025

Post tal-Attività

Kokkola, il-Finlandja

Volontarjat individwali

Qed infittxu parteċipanti minn

l-Awstrija, il-Ġermanja, Franza, l-Italja, Spanja, l-Iżvezja, l-Ungerija, l-Ukrajna, il-Portugall, il-Polonja, is-Slovenja, is-Slovakkja, il-Bulgarija, il-Kroazja, l-Estonja, il-Lussemburgu

Temi tal-attività

Social challenges

Citizenship and democratic participation

Creativity and culture

Data ta’ skadenza għall-applikazzjonijiet

Data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni: 31/01/2025 20:27