İspanya'da Uzun Dönem Gönüllülük -1
Avrupa Gençlik Eğitim ve Spor Derneği
Cambados/Galicia, Španielsko
The starting point of our project is to add a European element to our local activities and to provide information and opportunities for young people. As an association we carry out many activities in our province. In this context our aims are: -Adding a European element to our volunteering work. - Increasing the quality of our youth information activities. -Providing opportunities. - Fighting discrimination against women, youth and disabled people and removing obstacles for equal opportunities and participation in social and economic life. Activity period: 12 months Participants selected by our commission will be contacted via e-mail.
Ubytovanie, strava a doprava
Accommodation, food and transport will be covered by the project. The working conditions of the volunteers are the same as those of our staff, so we can guarantee a safe working environment with a kitchen and a bathroom. Participants will work in various social and cultural activities run by their host institutions. Our host institution in Spain is: Fundacion Condado de Taboada
Profil účastníka
The most important thing for us is the motivation of the volunteer. Therefore, when choosing a volunteer, we look for the following qualities: -Awareness of the ESC philosophy and conditions of volunteering -Being creative in developing new activities -Initiative in implementing new activities -Motivation to work in youth groups or associations -Motivation and flexibility to work within International Groups.
Obdobie činnosti
Od 30/11/2024 do 25/11/2025
Miesto činnosti
Cambados/Galicia, Španielsko
Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť
Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín
Témy aktivít
Citizenship and democratic participation
Environment and natural protection
Employment and entrepreneurship
Lehota na podávanie prihlášok
termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 30/11/2024 21:59