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Европейски корпус за солидарност

Силата на съвместния подход

ESC at the Festival for Documentary and Animated Film in Leipzig


International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film

Leipzig, Германия


DOK Leipzig is the largest German and second largest European festival for creative documentary films, animations and interactive works. The future volunteer will get first an introduction into all areas of the Festival and receive a general insight and overview. In addition, the volunteer will be introduced into the technical processes, communication, socialmedia.The volunteer will work in the field of coordination for the DOK-festival. As volunteer you will get to know the whole preparation and organisation process of the festival during the EVS and work active in it. You will NOT make films. The tasks are within the organisation of the festival. The tasks of the programme working field are: support the film entry process, transfer films into the database, research and request film entries, communication with film makers, support the coordination of cooperations, support the coordination of cooperations, support the coordination of Q&A and additional programme events.

Настаняване, хранене и транспорт

We are sending, hosting and coordinating organisation for European Voluntary Service in Leipzig. We have different hosting organisations in Leipzig and offer EVS places every year. Our volunteers live in shared flats. Everybody has an own room and share bathroom and kitchen. The flats are full equipped and have internet connection. During the EVS, volunteers get budget for food, transportation and pocket money.

Обучение по време на дейността

During the ESC: the volunteer receive a basic language training of some kind (not always an official course), also other training needed to carry out agreed tasks and the volunteer attend the On-Arrival training and Mid-term seminar offered by NA. In addition we will realize several project days towards topics of europe / mobility in europe. The volunteers will be asked to take part, to learn methods and to make a presentation about his/her EVS and / or other mobility possibilities in Europe in a school class.

Профил на участника

Potential volunteers should be interested in documentary and animated film movies and should bring enthusiasm for films but also a sense for technics / working at the computer, communication and public relations. Furthermore, very good knowledge of English and basic knowledge of the German language is important (office languages are German and English, all staff speak English). Only volunteers who don't need VISA could be except.

Дати на дейността

От 01/03/2020 до 31/12/2020

Място на дейността

Leipzig, Германия

Индивидуална доброволческа дейност

Търсим участници от

British Antarctic Territory, Ангила, Албания, Армения, Австрия, Аруба, Азербайджан, Босна и Херцеговина, Белгия, България, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Беларус, Кюрасао, Кипър, Чешка република, Германия, Дания, Алжир, Естония, Египет, Гърция, Испания, Финландия, Фолкландски острови, Франция, Грузия, Френска Гвиана, Гренландия, Хърватия, Унгария, Ирландия, Израел, Британски територии в Индийския океан, Исландия, Италия, Йордания, Кайманови острови, Ливан, Лихтенщайн, Литва, Люксембург, Латвия, Либия, Мароко, Moldova (Republic of), Черна гора, Saint Martin (french part), Северна Македония, Монтсерат, Малта, Нова Каледония, Нидерландия, Норвегия, Френска Полинезия, Полша, Pitcairn, Палестина, Португалия, Румъния, Сърбия, Russian Federation, Швеция, Словения, Словакия, Syrian Arab Republic, Търкс и Кайкос, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Тунис, Турция, Украйна, Обединено кралство, Kosovo * UN resolution

Теми на дейността

Social challenges

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Краен срок за подаване на кандидатури

Срок за подаване на заявлението: 13/12/2019 23:59