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Európsky zbor solidarity

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On the way to BLOOM

BLOOM Associacao Socio Cultural


Lousã, Portugalsko


The mission of ARCIL is to promote care and rehabilitation services to persons with disability or in a situation of exclusion, aiming their social and professional integration. Activities and working methods in ARCIL: Leisure Time Centre Activities: There is an annual activities plan structured with the monitors, including activities like music, body expression, plastic expression, nature activities, sports, thematic discussions and others; Activities for disadvantaged young people: the activities are flexible and can be adapted to the talents of the volunteers; Other punctual activities: beside these daily activities, the volunteers will be able to participate (preparation, realisation and evaluation) in other activities like the Youth week-end, organisation of fairs and exhibitions, school information sessions.

Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

Covered according to European Solidarity Corps programme rules.

Profil účastníka

We appreciate young volunteers that are: open-minded, feeling confident with the objectives of the Host organisations, are creative, taking initiatives, having a sense of responsibilities, organised and able to adapt to different conditions of living and work, flexible to establish relations with different persons. It’s very interesting when volunteers have special abilities to contribute to the projects, although it’s not necessary to have any special knowledge, education, skills.

Obdobie činnosti

Od 01/07/2021 do 30/06/2022

Miesto činnosti

Lousã, Portugalsko

Individuálna dobrovoľnícka činnosť

Záujem o účastníkov z týchto krajín


Témy aktivít

Social challenges

Lehota na podávanie prihlášok

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 11/06/2021 23:59