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EU:s ungdomsstrategi

EU har tagit fram en särskild ungdomsstrategi och vill att unga människor ska engagera sig i demokratin och bli aktiva samhällsmedborgare. Berätta vad som är viktigt för dig genom att delta i EU:s ungdomsdialog.

Innehållet finns för närvarande inte på Svenska


With “Engage” the EU Youth Strategy aims towards a meaningful civic, economic, social, cultural and political participation of young people.

Member States and the European Commission are invited to:

  • Encourage and promote inclusive democratic participation of all young people in society and democratic processes;
  • Actively engage young people, youth organisations and other organisers of youth work in policies affecting the lives of young people on all levels;
  • Support youth representations at local, regional and national level, recognising young people’s right to participate and self-organise;
  • Support and convey the EU Youth Dialogue in order to include diverse voices of young people in decision-making processes on all levels;
  • Foster the development of citizenship competencies, through citizenship education and learning strategies;
  • Support and develop opportunities for ‘learning to participate’, raising interest in participatory actions and helping young people to prepare for participation;
  • Explore and promote the use of innovative and alternative forms of democratic participation e.g. digital democracy tools.

Activities planned under the EU Work plan for Youth 2019-2021

(This is an indicative list)

  • EU Youth dialogue cycles;
  • Council Conclusions on youth and democracy;
  • Council Conclusions on promotion of youth work by raising awareness of the youth sector through information and strengthening of the resources;
  • Expert group and Council Conclusions on ensuring a rights-based approach to youth policies;
  • Council conclusions on strengthening the multi-level governance when promoting the participation of young people on political and other decision- making processes at local, regional, national and European levels.


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