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Стратегия на ЕС за младежта

ЕС изготви стратегия за младежта, чиято цел е младите хора да се ангажират и да станат активни граждани, участващи в демократичните и обществените процеси. Бихме искали младите хора да ни казват какво е важно за тях, като участват в диалога по въпросите на младежта в ЕС.

Понастоящем това съдържание не е достъпно на Български.

European Youth Goals

The aim of the 6th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue - Youth in Europe: What’s next? which took place in 2017/2018 – was to collect voices of young people and contribute together to creating the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027. As a result, eleven European Youth Goals were developed. These goals reflect the views of European youth and represent the vision of those active in the EU Youth Dialogue:

  1. Connecting EU with Youth
  2. Equality of All Genders
  3. Inclusive Societies
  4. Information & Constructive Dialogue
  5. Mental Health & Wellbeing
  6. Moving Rural Youth Forward
  7. Quality Employment for All
  8. Quality Learning
  9. Space and Participation for All
  10. Sustainable Green Europe
  11. Youth Organisations & European Programmes

The EU Youth Strategy should contribute to realising this vision of young people by mobilising EU level policy instruments as well as actions at national, regional and local level by all stakeholders.

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