International Work Camps – short but intense volunteering experiences!
Last updated on Tuesday, 31/08/2021
Ever heard of international work camps? Don’t worry, there is no forced labour involved! If you are over 18 it can be a great opportunity for you to help a community in need while discovering their culture and habits.
What is an international work camp?
An international work camp is a group of international volunteers from different countries who work together around a community project aimed to help a local community with a project for generally 2 to 4 weeks. The camps are based on an educative and participative approach and are hosted by local communities and organisations such as peace organisations, environmental groups and community action groups.
Why should you join?
International work camps are a great way to make new friends, complete a meaningful project and increase your international understanding. Next to the leisure time some work will be required.
Who can take part?
Work camps are generally open to all young people from 14 to 30 (there are also opportunities for people above 30). No specific skill is required, you simply have to be very motivated.
What will you do?
In a work camp, volunteers are expected to work around 30 hours a week on activities that should serve the local community or benefit the environment. Local inhabitants often take part in the projects. You can spend your free time relaxing, preparing meals and talking, and on activities and excursions with other volunteers and the local community.
What conditions?
The conditions vary according to the camp. Food and accommodation are usually provided, so you will need money only to cover your travel costs, the application fee to the sending organisation, and some pocket money. If you join an association, your social security will most probably be covered. You should be prepared to live and work in a communal environment, where living conditions are often simple and work can be strenuous but fun and rewarding.
How to find a work camp?
Different organisations are offering work camps, the conditions and costs differ from one to another. Make sure to carefully check the offers.
Here are some interesting links to get you started. Keep in mind that this is a non-exhaustive list, you should check the country pages dedicated to volunteering on the European Youth Portal where you’ll be able to know more about national organisations and their projects: