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Dialogi z młodzieżą na temat polityki

Dialogi z młodzieżą na temat polityki mają na celu umożliwienie młodym ludziom wypowiedzenia się na temat inicjatyw politycznych UE w dyskusji z komisarzami oraz uwzględnienie ich opinii w programie politycznym UE.

Dialogi sprzyjają otwartej dyskusji i wymianie poglądów, współpracy z młodzieżą w ważnych kwestiach oraz wzmocnieniu pozycji młodych ludzi poprzez wspieranie ich aktywnego udziału w życiu demokratycznym. Dla młodych dialogi są okazją, aby dowiedzieć się, jakie powody leżą u podstaw decyzji politycznych i jakie są skutki tych decyzji.

Youth Policy Dialogues

Policy Dialogues Events

Trade is an essential driver of the EU’s prosperity, supporting our competitiveness and economic security, while creating jobs and opening up opportunities for Europeans in a fast-changing world. Our customs system, meanwhile, helps ensure that only goods that comply with our standards enter the EU market, while enabling EU law on goods to be properly enforced.

But rising tensions, shifting priorities and global challenges like sustainability, climate change and technological competition are reshaping the way countries and businesses interact.

So the EU needs bold ideas and fresh perspectives as we seek to answer some key questions: What’s the best way to make sure the EU remains a leader in global trade while creating more high-quality jobs at home? Which are the most important objectives for EU trade policy, and how can they be achieved? What should the EU prioritise to secure a greener and more digital long-term future?

That is why Maros Šefčovič, European Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security, Interinstitutional Relations and Transparency, will sit down with students from the College of Europe in Natolin to discuss their opinions, ideas and questions on these issues, which are especially crucial to the next generation of Europeans.

The event will be live-streamed.

  • Natolin
Commissioner Micallef

Executive Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu's first Youth Policy Dialogue will take place in Warsaw on 20th January 2025. She will meet 18 young people to discuss topics that matter to them, focusing on digital and media literacy skills among young people as a way to fight disinformation.

Online participants will be able to send their questions to the Commissioner using the web streaming. Their questions will be moderated by the organisers.

The discussions will: 

  • explore how digital literacy can empower young people to spot and react against disinformation.
  • address the experience of young people online, from shaping values and sense of belonging to the spread of disinformation.
  • examine the importance of fostering digital and media literacy through education, and EU strategies.

The outcomes of this Youth Policy Dialogue will inform the European Commission’s ongoing Review of the Digital Education Action Plan and its future Roadmap for digital education and training. It will also build on the Guidelines for teachers on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy though education and training that the Commission published in 2022. 


Watch the event live and post your questions on the Youtube channel!


Useful links:

Executive Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu Mission letter

Education and training

Countering information manipulation

  • Warsaw
Commissioner Glenn Micallef's Youth Policy Dialogue...

Commissioner Glenn Micallef’s first Youth Policy Dialogue will take place in Athens on 28th January 2025. He will meet 30 young people to discuss topics that matter to them. 

These young people will be able to express their views, raise questions, share ideas and make suggestions. It will also be an opportunity to gather youth views in the context of preparations for the Culture Compass (EU’s future strategic framework on culture). 

The discussion will focus on two main topics: 

  • Fostering access to culture and cultural heritage for young people

Commissioner Glenn Micallef has been entrusted to "make proposals to make it easier for people, in particular the younger generation, to visit and to make the most of our cultural heritage." 

Discussions will focus on suggestions on how to promote and boost access to culture and cultural heritage for the younger generation.

  • Sport as a vehicle for inclusion

The second theme of the discussions will be centered on the importance of sport as a source and driver for social inclusion as set out in the EU Work Plan for Sport (2024-2027). Exchanges of good practice and existing initiatives such as #BeInclusive EU sport award or the Erasmus + Sport action will also be highlighted. 


Useful links:

Commissioner Glenn Micallef Mission letter

Home - Culture and Creativity

Sport - European Commission

  • Athens

Dialogi z młodzieżą na temat polityki po raz pierwszy odbyły się podczas Europejskiego Roku Młodzieży 2022, kiedy to każdy z członków kolegium komisarzy zaprosił 12–15 osób do udziału w spotkaniu odbywającym się w Brukseli.

Z kolei podczas Europejskiego Tygodnia Młodzieży w 2024 r. odbyły się dwa dialogi: z udziałem wiceprzewodniczącego Komisji Europejskiej Margaritisa Schinasa oraz komisarz do spraw innowacji, badań naukowych, kultury, edukacji i młodzieży Iliany Iwanowej. Dzięki tym spotkaniom komisarze dowiedzieli się, jak młodzi ludzie postrzegają świat i jakie mają aspiracje.