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Tento obsah v súčasnosti nie je k dispozícii v tomto jazyku: Slovenčina

The DiscoverEU Green Route

Need some inspiration when planning your DiscoverEU route? Interested in what the most sustainable cities in Europe have to offer?

Explore the different sections of this map to learn about amazing places that are both great to visit and environmentally friendly. 

Some of these cities have been awarded for their efforts when it comes to the environment: the European Green Capitals and Green Leaf title winners. Others showcase the best green parks and nature reserves in Europe, or are home to projects focused on making their city a greener and more sustainable place. Several cities are part of the 'Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission', with the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2030, leading the way for all other cities in the Europe.

DiscoverEU celebrates seeing the best of Europe in a sustainable way – which is why you’ll mainly travel by rail, since trains are one of the least polluting means of transport. In fact, did you know that rail is the only mode of transport to have almost continuously reduced CO2 emissions over the last few years? 

Another way to go green is to apply our tips while travelling, or listen to Laura, one of our DiscoverEU ambassadors and a green champion!

Icons in the map are made from svg icons and licensed by CC BY 4.0. 
Map legend:
  • Green leaves - green cities
  • Brown leaves - connector cities