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Volunteer around the world!

Sist oppdatert Mandag, 14/11/2022

Are you thinking of helping out outside of Europe? Considering humanitarian aid? Love people and discovering new cultures? Here are some of the many international opportunities for volunteering around the world.

Volunteering introduces you to new people, cultures and skills while helping others. The international experience gained from volunteering abroad can also lead to career opportunities that will take you all over the world!

Support vulnerable communities with EU Humanitarian Aid Volunteering

The projects of Humanitarian Aid Volunteering action under the European Solidarity Corps need volunteers to join the teams and operations in the field. 

Beyond disaster preparedness and disaster relief, the projects cover a wide range of issues. Would you like a few examples? Promotion of gender equality, protection of women and children, protection of refugees and internally displaced persons, protection of undocumented migrants, mitigation of the effects of climate change, improvement of food security, …

If you are between 18 and 35 years old and you are willing to contribute, then have a look at the European Solidarity Corps Portal where you can register your profile and express your interest.   Everybody can apply, so your specific background and any difficulties or special needs you might have will not be an obstacle to your participation. If you are selected, you will be able to participate in projects that can last between 2 to 12 months (if you go on your own) or between 2 weeks to 2 months (if you go as member of a team of at least 5 people). 

The European Commission will ensure that selected organisations, that send and host young EU volunteers will respect a number of conditions, including that they:

  • adhere to humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, as well as the ‘do no harm’ principle; 
  • have robust procedures to ensure at all times the security and safety of volunteers, including evacuation plans in extreme situations;
  • have appropriate resources to ensure volunteers can enjoy a learning experience thanks to appropriate mentoring

How can you apply? Go to the European Solidarity Corps Portal and express your interest!  

In addition to the EU volunteering opportunities, you can also make a difference with the United Nations

The UN has launched a specific volunteering programme for young people, the UN Youth Volunteers. Volunteers are young people between 18 and 29 years old who want to engage in development and peace initiatives worldwide; you may work in human rights, climate change adaptation, primary health care, disaster management, peacebuilding, youth engagement or many other areas.

As a UN Youth Volunteer, you will help advance peace and sustainable development either in your own country or in another country around the globe. You may work directly in a UN agency or be assigned to one of its partner organisations, a university or the government. Most assignments last from 6 to 24 months. Volunteers receive a basic living allowance. If you volunteer outside of your home area, transport and some other basic costs are paid by the host agency. Assignments are advertised on the UN website under “Special Calls for Volunteers”, as well as via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

If you are 25 years of age or older and have several years of work experience in a specific area of expertise, you may want to register for the UNV Global Talent Pool. You could also be interested in volunteering online with the UNV Online Volunteering service.

More ideas…

Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) is an international network in charge of the coordination of international voluntary service (IVS) worldwide. It does not recruit volunteers but you will find the contact of volunteering organisations in your country of residence or in a neighboring country.

Additionally, you can explore the site of Service Civil International, which is an organisation dedicated to volunteering for peace since 1920. SCI organisations create quality short and long-term volunteering opportunities worldwide which are open to people of all ages. Volunteers can participate in projects in their own country or abroad. 

You can also have a look at the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations. Its member organisations run international voluntary projects in their own country and exchange volunteers with each other. They follow the Alliance Quality Charter that stresses on the added value of volunteering, its educational aspect and on following quality standards agreed by members.

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