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European Solidarity Corps

Birlikte Olmanın Gücü

Benefits of joining the European Solidarity Corps

Taking part in a European Solidarity Corps project will be a significant achievement for any young person. It will be an asset when applying for a job and it will help you when you apply for higher education. The European Solidarity Corps could be a new opportunity for you to engage in a meaningful activity which could prove to be a stepping stone into employment.

After participating in a project you will be entitled to receive a certificate that documents your participation. You could use this when applying for jobs or further learning.

As well as being useful for your future career prospects, European Solidarity Corps you will receive a package of other benefits, which will vary depending on the type of project that you undertake. It will also depend on whether you are participating in the Volunteering or Occupational parts of the Corps.

If you decide to volunteer, you will not receive a wage, but will on the other hand be entitled to travel, lodging and subsistence as well as insurance coverage for the duration of the activity. You will receive relevant training before you start and after you arrive on site.

For participants doing an apprenticeship or a traineeship, there will, in some countries, be an employment contract established in accordance with the national regulations of the hosting country. A subsistence allowance will be provided.

For participants that are recruited for a job placement, there will always be a formal labour contract and a wage in accordance with local laws, regulations and collective agreements.

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