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Strategija EU za mlade

EU je pripravila strategijo EU za mlade, ker želi, da bi mladi kot dejavni državljani sodelovali pri delovanju demokracije in družbe. Želimo, da bi se mladi vključili v dialog EU z mladimi in nam povedali, kaj se jim zdi pomembno.

Ta vsebina trenutno ni na voljo v jeziku Slovenščina.

Mutual Learning and Expert Groups

Mutual learning between Member States, the European Commission and relevant stakeholders is ideal for the advancement of youth policy with regard to both core and cross-sectoral areas.

Besides Expert Groups, which can develop policy guidance, practical tools and can share good practices, the EU youth strategy 2019-2027 also offers new ways of mutual learning, such as peer learning activities and peer counselling, analysis and studies. Thereby, the priorities of the EU Youth Strategy are followed up as well as through Work Plans for three years.

Under the EU Work plan for Youth 2019-2021, the following activities were implemented:

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about the work of previous expert groups: