Mutual Learning and Expert Groups
Mutual learning between Member States, the European Commission and relevant stakeholders is ideal for the advancement of youth policy with regard to both core and cross-sectoral areas.
Besides Expert Groups, which can develop policy guidance, practical tools and can share good practices, the EU youth strategy 2019-2027 also offers new ways of mutual learning, such as peer learning activities and peer counselling, analysis and studies. Thereby, the priorities of the EU Youth Strategy are followed up as well as through Work Plans for three years.
Under the EU Work plan for Youth 2019-2021, the following activities were implemented:
- Expert group on indicators (2019-2020);
- Expert group on mobility of young volunteers and cross-border solidarity (2019-2020);
- Sub-group on Youth Work (2021-2022) - Proposal for the development of a dedicated youth work platform;
- Peer-learning activity on non-vocational qualifications for youth work (2021);
- Peer-learning activity on a rights-based approach to youth policies (2021);
- Peer-learning activities on volunteering mobility (2022);
- Study on removing obstacles to cross-border solidarity activities (2020);
- Report on Promoting the mobility of young volunteers and cross-border solidarity. A practical toolbox for actors and stakeholders in the field of youth and recommendations for policymakers (2021);
- Proposal for an updated dashboard of EU youth indicators (2021).
Find out more
about the work of previous expert groups:
- Contribution of youth work in the context of migration and refugee matters (upcoming);
- Developing digital youth work. Policy recommendations, training needs and good practice examples for youth workers and decision-makers (2018);
- Contribution of youth work to preventing marginalisation and violent radicalisation. A practical toolbox for youth workers and recommendations for policy-makers (2017);
- Youth work quality systems and frameworks in the EU (2017);
- You can find the previous (2010-2018) youth strategy on the following page: EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018.