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European Solidarity Corps

The power of together

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Types of European Solidarity Corps projects

This list shows the types of projects that the European Solidarity Corps could support. This list is not exhaustive, and could be amended as the initiative is developed.


This is a wide topic which covers such issues as working with people with disabilities or additional support needs, fighting discrimination and intolerance, working with minority groups such as Roma, and intercultural, inter-religious and intergenerational issues.

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Helping to provide a safe welcome for people newly arrived in Europe, and assisting in integrating them into their new communities across Europe.

Citizenship and democratic participation

Potentially working on human rights, justice and legal issues, and helping people to understand and better connect with democratic processes and decision makers.

Disaster prevention and recovery

Helping communities to avoid identified risks for natural catastrophe, or supporting communities to recover after natural disasters strike. Please note that European Solidarity Corps participants will not be asked to provide any services related to the immediate response to disasters. These types of tasks will continue to be performed by those with the specialist training and experience to operate safely in these dangerous environments.

Environment and natural protection

Projects related to climate change, energy and natural resources, and across different areas such as agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

Health and wellbeing

Supporting projects which encourage general health and wellbeing, such as healthy lifestyles and active aging.

Education and training

Projects could include a wide range of education related topics, such as combatting early school leaving, increasing basic competences such as maths or IT skills, or teaching foreign languages.

Employment and entrepreneurship

Assisting in projects which tackle issues around unemployment, and also helping people to become more enterprising.

Creativity and culture

Using the creative arts and culture to work with communities to tackle a wide range of issues.


Increasing inclusion, equal opportunities and participation in sports, and encouraging grassroots sport.