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European Solidarity Corps

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Solidarity Projects

If you want to make a positive change in your local community, then you can join forces with your friends to create a Solidarity Project. Just make sure all of you are registered with us. 

What is a Solidarity Project?

Think about challenges in your neighbourhood and the causes that matter to you. Your project should be devoted to these types of challenge, but it can also help tackle regional or even national issues. 

Your project should also demonstrate ‘European value’ – drawing on priorities identified by the EU, such as inclusion, climate change, democratic engagement, citizenship or gender equality.

The project can last from 2 to 12 months and will be mainly part-time. So you can do it in your free time.

Who can take part?

To take part in a Solidarity Project, you have to live in one of the programme countries.

Your group must contain at least 5 people (between 18 and 30 years) who are legally residing in the same country (there is no maximum number of people).

What financial support do I get?

You can expect €630 a month to cover the cost of managing and implementing the project. We will also cover costs  linked to the involvement of a coach in the project, if one is needed.

How to apply

Unlike volunteering (where you apply to organisations), with Solidarity Projects you request direct funding for your project. 

To do so, you have to meet the deadlines set in the general call for project proposals and submit your project as a formal application (see Open Calls). 

Your application will be then assessed by your National Agency
/!\ You can apply yourself – but if you prefer, you can choose to work with an experienced organisation to apply for funding.

In the application form, you will be asked questions such as why you want to carry out this project, how it will benefit the community, and which activities you are planning to run during the preparation and implementation of the idea.

Before you apply:

  1. Create your group – reach out to other young people in your community and form a group with a common idea or topic.
  2. Get everyone registered – all members of the group should join the Corps.
  3. Have an organisation ID (OID) – one member of the group takes the role of ‘group leader’ and registers for an OID, by creating an account with the European Commission.

          Don’t forget that you can find an organisation that is willing to apply on your behalf. They could be one that is already registered and has an OID; if not, they will obtain one for you. 

         As soon as you’ve registered and have your OID, you can continue with the next steps (even while you’re waiting for it to be approved).

  1. Do your homework – read:

       If you need more information, your National Agency can help you with your application. 

  1. Create your project – structure your ideas (goals, group members, expected outcomes, budget, activities, etc.).
  2. Submit your application – using the ESC30 Solidarity Projects application form.

Don’t miss the deadline, and good luck!

/!\ There might be exceptions depending on the programme country, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more detail.


Paranduskohvik – a repair café in Estonia

The main purpose for the repair café is to make people aware of the negative environmental impacts of the consumer society and to encourage them to maintain the environment. It takes place in a community based makerspace (an open workshop) that provides all neccesary tools that may be needed for fixing all sorts of appliances. People are invited to bring their broken things and together with volunteers try to fix them.

The Room: Community Drama in Ireland

The project was born as a response to social exclusion of Newbridge asylum seekers in Kildare County. Its aim is to create and implement an applied theatre program with involvement of asylum seekers that would consists of drama workshops and result in participatory performance at the final theatre event for local community.

Skate park in Belgium

The idea of the project is to create an infrastructure for skateboard and BMX in the local neighbourhood. It will be not only the place to practice sport activities, available for all, but also a place to meet other like-minded young people.

Brīvbode in Latvia

The project is being carried out as a follow-up to the Brīvbode ( 'free shop' in English), initiative launched by volunteers, where once a week people are invited to take part in the happening – bringing the unnecessary and finding what is needed, such as clothing, books, and household goods.

Inviting more people to volunteer in animal shelters in Lithuania

The project aims to promote volunteering in animal shelters and helping to upgrade three animal shelters in Klaipeda. It also strives to enable foreign students to engage in voluntary activities outside school.

Organic farming in Poland

Project “Sferyczny ogród badawczy” aims to change the unhealthy eating habits of young people and encourages to set up own organic farming. As part of the project, an innovative plantation of cultivated crops will be created under a spherical shaped greenhouse available for local young people to attend and take part in all the processes of cultivation and finally harvesting.

Recovering coastline in Italy

The main objective of the project “Mare d'Inverno” is to recover a natural coastal area nearby the urban centres of Trani and Barletta. The project plans to improve and raise awareness about environmental protection which includes placing pathways for cyclists and pedestrians, cleaning the beaches and replanting the native tree species.