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young people together in a room © European Union

Previous EU Youth Dialogue consultations

Son güncelleme Salı, 05/03/2024

The dialogue is going on for years! Read about previous cycles of Structured Dialogue and all about the current Youth Dialogue!


The EU Youth Dialogue is the successor of the Structured Dialogue with young people that was created under the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018. Each cycle of the Youth Dialogue takes 18 months, after which the Council of the European Union adopts a Resolution highlighting the major resulting recommendations. This way, outcomes are used to include youth voices in the EU decision-making processes. 


EU Youth Dialogue, the 10th cycle (currently ongoing)

1 July 2023 - 31 December 2024

Theme: “We need youth”

Presidency countries: Spain, Belgium and Hungary

European Youth Conference final report - in English


EU Youth Dialogue, the 9th cycle

1 January 2022 - 30 June 2023

Theme: “Engaging together for a sustainable and inclusive Europe”

Presidency countries: France, Czech Republic and Sweden

European Youth Conference final report - in English version (also in French)


EU Youth Dialogue, the 8th Cycle

1 July 2020 -  31 December 2021

“Europe for YOUth – YOUth for Europe: Space for Democracy and Participation” 

Presidency countries: Germany, Portugal and Slovenia

Outcomes: The final joint recommendations from were taken on board in the Resolution of the Council on the Outcomes of the 8th Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue adopted by the Council of the European Union.


EU Youth Dialogue, the 7th Cycle 

1 January 2019 - 30 June 2020

Theme: “Creating opportunities for youth”

Presidency countries: Romania, Finland and Croatia. 

Outcomes: Final joint recommendations were taken on board in the Resolution of the Council adopted by the Council of the European Union on the outcomes of the 7th Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue


Structured Dialogue, the 6th Cycle

1 July 2017 – 30 December 2018

Theme: "Youth in Europe: What's next?"

Presidency countries: Estonia, Bulgaria and Austria 

Outcomes: This cycle was marked by the adoption of eleven European Youth Goals that feature as Annex in the EU Youth Strategy. These goals reflect the views of young people in Europe and represent the vision of those active in the EU Youth Dialogue. 


Structured Dialogue, the 5th Cycle

1 January 2016 – 30 June 2017

Theme: "Enabling all young people to engage in a diverse, connected and inclusive Europe, Ready for life, ready for society"

Presidency counties: Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta.

Outcomes: Final joint recommendations were adopted by the Council (Education, Culture, Youth and Sport) meeting in Brussels on 22 and 23 May 2017. In this cycle the efforts of to expand to new types of organisations starts showing positive effects with an increase in the number of public bodies and civil organisations involved.

Structured Dialogue, the 4th Cycle

1 July 2014 - 31 December 2015

Theme: “Youth autonomy”

Presidency countries: Italy, Latvia and Luxembourg.


Structured Dialogue, the 3rd Cycle

1 January 2013 - 30 June 2014

Theme: “Social Inclusion of young people across Europe”

Presidency countries: Ireland, Lithuania and Greece


Structured Dialogue, the 2nd Cycle

1 July 2011 - 31 December 2012

Theme: “Youth participation in democratic life in Europe”

Presidency countries: Cyprus, Denmark and Poland


Structured Dialogue, the 1st Cycle 

1 January 2010 – 30 June 2011

Theme: “Youth Employment”

Presidency countries: Hungary, Belgium and Spain

Outcomes: Final joint recommendations were taken on board in the Council Conclusions on Promoting Youth Employment to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives and in the Resolution of the Council and of the representatives of the governments of the member states meeting within the Council, on youth employment.