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What is the EU Youth Dialogue?

Last updated on Friday, 05/04/2024

The EU Youth Dialogue is a dialogue mechanism between young people and decision makers taking place in the framework of the EU Youth Strategy.

Why the EU Youth Dialogue?

This is a way to ensure that the opinion, views and needs of young people and youth organisations are taken into account when defining the EU's youth policies.

It supports the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 which focuses on three main core areas ‘connect, engage and empower’ and encourages cooperation between the EU countries in respect to all issues concerning young people.

How does it happen?

The dialogue with policy makers and other dialogue activities happen in 18-month work cycles. Each cycle focuses on a different theme set by the Council of Youth Ministers.

The current theme (from the 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2024) is “We need youth”.

The thematic priority is therefore directly connected to the Youth Goals number 3: Inclusive Societies.

The Youth Dialogue aims to address all young people, including those with fewer opportunities and those currently not involved and active. In every Member State, the process is organised by national working groups that are in charge of conducting consultations and activities in their country with young people, youth organisations and policy makers.

The Trio Presidency takes the lead role with regard to steering the implementation of the EU Youth Dialogue, in close cooperation with the European Commission and the National Agencies, as well as with the European Youth Forum and other youth civil society representatives, within a coordination group.

How to participate?

Participation in the EU Youth Dialogue is typically done through a youth organisation, mostly at the national level. If you want to participate in a dialogue, either as an organisation or as an individual, you should contact your national youth council.

You can find the contact information for your national youth council here.

In some cases, it is also possible to participate directly at the EU-level through an international non-governmental youth organisation. This depends on the current topic of the Dialogue. 

What is the outcome?

Once national and European activities are over, the results are compiled, analysed and further discussed at the EU Youth Conferences. There, youth representatives and policy makers have the opportunity to work together and present a joint message to the EU. These conferences take place twice a year and are hosted by the country that holds the EU Presidency.

The conclusions based on the EU Youth dialogue activities are presented to the Council of the European Union. The Council might then adopt a policy document containing the views of young people. For instance, in 2018, the cycle saw the creation of 11 Youth Goals that were then added to the EU Youth Strategy following a political process and negotiations in the Council of the EU:

  • Connecting EU with Youth
  • Equality of All Genders
  • Inclusive Societies
  • Information & Constructive Dialogue
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Moving Rural Youth Forward
  • Quality Employment for All
  • Quality Learning
  • Space and Participation for All
  • Sustainable Green Europe
  • Youth Organisations & European Programmes

Check the EU Youth Dialogue Library.

The EU Youth Strategy contributes to make the vision of young people come true by mobilising the EU policy instruments as well as inciting stakeholder actions at a national, regional and local level.